As followers of Jesus and recipients of His marvelous work upon the cross, which put us into right standing with God, we are the beloved of God. As we grow in the knowledge of this love, it empowers us to love him back and in the power of this love for God, by His grace, we live towards the following.
By the grace of God, we seek to:
- share the Gospel with those in need of Jesus.
- model and establish others in intimacy with God.
- be a house of prayer as individual temples and corporately.
- minister wholeness and freedom in the resurrection power of Jesus.
- teach believers the complete Gospel and the power therein.
- be a biblical, missional, transformational community, which welcomes people as they are.
- teach and model the love, acceptance, mercy and grace of God.
- encourage others to find their identity in Christ.
- be a mutlicultural home for people from every tongue, tribe and nation.